
Getting Personal: Evy's First Birthday Celebration by Christina Varvis

It is truly fascinating to see how quickly babies grow, but y'all need to slow down. I'm looking at you, Evy.

You're probably assuming that Evy is my kid, but she is actually my niece! She was born on December 8, 2016, and if you ask me, it feels like that date was just yesterday. Somehow, though, more than a whole year has passed since then, and I know I sound like everyone else in this social media world, but I just can't believe how fast time goes. 

Evy has brought so much life into our home and has affected each of us a certain way, especially because she is the first grandchild to arrive into the family. I think she has made her grandparents feel about 30 years younger, and as for myself, she has made me feel like I have more purpose. From our 2017 Saturday night mudroom dance parties (that involved me holding her and dancing in front of the mirror) to our present reading sessions, I can't wait to share more moments with her and our family together. 

We were very lucky to celebrate her birthday with close relatives and friends at the Victoria Social Room that looks over the Victoria Golf Course. Equally great to the venue was the food, which was catered by the Culina Family. (The treat was definitely the chicken - it was so crispy, tender, and perfectly seasoned! I low-key wanted to take the whole tray home with me.) Actually, I know I just said the chicken was the treat, but I forgot that the cake was really good, too. My sister ordered it from The Art of Cake, and it was just right for the Nutcracker theme. She also ordered double chocolate cupcakes, which were naturally a hit with the kids. About the theme and decorations, it was all styled by my sister, and I think it worked perfectly for a December birthday. 


Once again, using flash still feels very new to me, but I have been warming up to it and becoming more comfortable with trying to control it. With that being said, I still have to practice so much more and experiment with different modifying tools. A kit that I have been playing with recently is the MagMod Kit, and I wish I had it with me that day, because it would have diffused the light and made it look much softer, which I think would have been a more suitable look for the nature, setting, and time of the event. I think it's essential to consider these things when choosing your light, because it can greatly affect the feel and style of the event in the images.

Something else I reflected on is juggling the role of the photographer and family member. It was challenging at times trying to be both, because I was trying to focus on what everyone was doing around me, but trying to catch up with family and friends at the same time, while also making sure I didn't miss any Evy moments. It also left me with less time to experiment with perspectives and even photograph detail shots of the space. Yet, as with my dad's 85th birthday, I loved it so much for many reasons. The biggest one of all is because it brought me to realize how I missed having photos of my family and relatives, and I furthermore remembered how entertaining they are to photograph! We haven't had photos like this of my family since my sister and I were kids, so I'm very glad that Evy has rekindled these times together.

Getting Personal: My Dad's Surprise 85th Birthday Celebration by Christina Varvis

Somehow, these photos were already taken a year ago, so my dad is 86 now, but if you ask him, he is still 39.

When it comes to my dad, I don't think there is a tougher subject out there for me to write about, and I don't know if I'll ever find the ability to explain how unbelievably incredible and important he is to me. The life he has lived inspires and humbles me everyday, but just as much, his devotion to his family. He, along with my mom and my sister, hold my whole heart, and that is something that will change only to grow even more.

About the people in these photos, I am incredibly fortunate to know and have as my family. I may not always agree with their attitude, their decisions, their actions, or their outlook; but I still have so much love for each of them, and believe their presence in my life is of purpose. I hope to celebrate many more birthdays with them in the years to come.

Thanks to my sister's impressive decorating and organizing skills - while she was 9 months pregnant! - I think the night was a great success. Although my dad wasn't as surprised as I had anticipated, (I don't think we stayed hidden all that well,) he was so, so happy to see everyone there for him, and I can't thank our family and friends enough for coming and celebrating.


Believe it or not, this was only my second time using an external portable flash, and I admit - I was scared of it. I relied on the ETTL setting the whole night, much to my relief, because simply thinking about the manual control stressed me out. Since then, I think I only used it a couple more times at family events, and I think I'm improving at controlling it, but my technique still isn't where I want it to be. I think I need to practice much more, and review how to determine the flash's appropriate output based on the distance between the subject and the camera. The fact that output power is measured in fractions makes this so much more challenging! I heavily struggled with math throughout school, except for that one brief period in elementary when we learned how to add, subtract, and multiply. (See, at least I excelled at the important lessons! When will I ever need algebra anyway.)