
Travel Scenes: NYC by Christina Varvis

I really should have started this site sooner, but better late than never as they say! (For those who know me well, there is no saying that better applies to me than this one.)

To be honest, I don't always enjoy writing. Sometimes I take an hour just to write one sentence! Take this paragraph, for instance; I've been writing it on and off for almost three weeks now, and here I am on this snowy, Sunday night, still typing and backspacing away. (I blame the twenty open tabs in my brain that are constantly asking for attention. Oh, and YouTube.) What does this mean for the blog? Well, expect to see more photos than words, which will hopefully make everyone happy! Less writing for me, less waiting for you, and more images that you will hopefully dig.

Even though I have a growing library of recent photos, I'm throwing this gallery back to ones from my last trip with my family to New York City. It was actually our first trip ever with just the four of us, which made it that much more memorable and entertaining. Anyway, about New York, I love it. (Surprise, surprise!) I could go there every month, every week, and never get tired of it. It is like a never-ending playground for photographers. When I'm there, I know that even when I simply step out of the hotel every day, I will see something different that will make my fingers reach for my camera, which is exactly where I caught some of the moments seen above - right outside my hotel in the Flower District.

I also decided to share photos from this city specifically, because I think traveling to New York was ultimately what made me want to explore and photograph Edmonton. I think it's because I missed that feeling of adventure and curiosity that I had buzzing within me while traveling, and I am so grateful for it, because I realized that Edmonton has as much to offer as New York. Even though Edmonton is a much smaller city, I find that if I really pay attention when I'm looking out the window on my bus ride home or I make a left on 103 instead of 104, I always see something new to appreciate.